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Notice of Privacy




In compliance with the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties and its corresponding Regulations (hereinafter "Law"), it informs you that Integrain, for the purposes of this privacy notice, on behalf of and on behalf of its subsidiaries, associates and subsidiaries, (hereinafter referred to as “Integrain”, with address located at Calle 8a, Los Jagueyes Namiquipa, Chih, MX. CP 31978

and email:  is responsible for collecting your personal data, the use that is given to them and their protection when they are collected through printed, electronic, telephone, audiovisual or any other means allowed by the applicable Law (hereinafter "Half").


Integrain will treat the owner's personal data confidentially, they will be used to: (i) evaluate and formalize an existing contractual relationship; (ii) register it in our registry of suppliers and / or service providers; (iii) make the payment of amounts owed for the provision of goods or services; (iv) development of new products and / or services, production, distribution, commercialization of products and / or services of the Company, or any of its subsidiaries; (v) inform about changes in the products and / or services, (vi) to develop and configure, advertising or commercial marketing strategies related to the goods and / or services marketed or offered by the Company, or any of its subsidiaries; (vi) for marketing, advertising or commercial prospecting purposes; (vii) administration of the websites of the Company's brands and subsidiaries; (viii) profiles and analysis of product and / or service consumption; (ix) creation and implementation of analytical and statistical processes and consumption habits necessary for the development of products and / or services; (x) quality and satisfaction surveys of the owner; (xi) offer products and / or services through any means of communication available to the Company; (xii) attend job applications and formats due to the past, present or future relationship and / or employment relationships with subsidiaries of the Company through any means of communication; (xiii) recruitment, selection and hiring of personnel, evaluation of personnel working for various subsidiaries of the Company; (xiv) carry out investigations of labor and credit history, opening of credits and / or contracting insurance; (xv) subcontracting of services with different providers, as well as billing and collection; (xvi) prepare statistical and financial reports; (xvii) update the registers and programs of systems of holders and suppliers; (xvii) inform the owner about our activities, services, products, programs and / or promotions, derived from the type of relationship or existing link; (xviii) request the owner to update their data and / or identification documents; (xix) monitor any phone call made with the owner; (xx) transmission and treatment of the owner's information to our subsidiaries and subcontractors that administer any of our activities on our behalf or as we consider necessary to maintain, provide and improve services; and (xxi) prepare exclusion lists in order to register for free the refusal of a holder to the processing of their personal data. Likewise, your information may be used to obtain, from other sources of public access, additional information about you in relation to your financial solvency. Said information that the Company will obtain indirectly will be treated in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Notice.


The processing of personal data will always be subject to the owner providing their consent, either expressly stating their will verbally, by electronic or optical means, by any other technology or by unequivocal signs, or tacitly. For the purposes of this privacy notice, it will be understood as tacit consent when the privacy notice having been made available to the owner, he does not express any opposition.

For both consents, the owner of the personal data has a period of 5 days to express their opposition to the processing of said data, following the procedure described in the section "Procedure to Exercise ARCO Rights" of this privacy notice. If you do not express opposition, it will be understood that your consent has been expressed.


For the purposes indicated in this Privacy Notice, we can collect your personal data in different ways:

• When you provide them to us directly through any means (identification data, labor or derived from the employment relationship with Integrain  academic, labor, contact and marketing);

• When you visit our website or use our online services (use of cookies and web beacons, electronic registration);

• When we obtain information through other sources that are permitted by Law (telephone directories, market research agencies, advertising agencies); and

• When you provide them to us through job applications, whether physical or electronic due to the employment relationship (s) with various Integrain subsidiaries, your personal data will be processed only for the time allowed by Law, which is why the Company will delete your information after this period.


We inform you that the Internet pages of Integrain may use cookies, web beacons and other technologies through which it is possible to monitor your behavior as an Internet user, provide you with a better service and user experience when browsing any of the pages of the Company, in order to offer you new products based on your preferences. Therefore, Integrain may have access to personal information such as: (i) the internet pages you visit; (ii) the links you follow; (iii) the IP address; (iv) the site you visited before entering ours, among others.

These cookies and other technologies can be disabled. To find out how to do this, consult the help menu of your browser. Please note that if you disable cookies, you may not be able to access certain personalized features on our websites.


Integrain may transfer your personal data to Mexican or foreign individuals and / or legal entities related to it, when said transfer: (i) is provided for by the Law or International Treaty to which Mexico is a party; (ii) is carried out by those companies that are part of the economic group of the Company, (iii) is carried out with external auditors (legal and accounting); (iv) insurance companies with which you have a legal relationship; (v) companies that operate together with Integrain in some type of software and any computer infrastructure that serves as a platform to keep their databases updated and protected; (vi) courier, security, and value transportation companies, in order to assist Integrain in the development and performance of its functions; (vii) to defend Integrain from any legal controversy that may arise; (viii) consulting companies in the field of Human Resources, whether their advice and / or consulting is individual or of groups; (ix) public institutions such as but not limited to: IMSS, INFONAVIT, FONACOT and / or SHCP; and (x) to companies that request employment references.

If you are not in the cases of one or some of the data transfers described above, these specific transfers will not be applicable.


This Privacy Notice may undergo modifications, changes or updates derived from new legal requirements; of Integrain's own needs, for the products or services we offer; of our privacy practices; Changes in our business model, or other causes. Said modifications will be available to the public at the Company's Data Protection Department located at the aforementioned address and / or the website: https: //


At any time, you may exercise the right to ACCESS your personal data and the details of their treatment, as well as to RECTIFY THEM if they are inaccurate or instruct to CANCEL THEM when you consider that they prove to be excessive or unnecessary for the purposes they justified. obtaining them, or OPPOSE to their treatment. The rights described above will be called ARCO Rights.

The way to exercise ARCO Rights will be in accordance with the procedure described in the "Procedure to Exercise ARCO Rights" section of this privacy notice.


In case you wish to: (i) revoke your consent to process your personal data for the additional purposes described in the section "Purpose of the Processing of Personal Data" of this Privacy Notice; and / or (ii) notify the improper use of the processing of your personal data because you consider that the Company, or its actions or responses violates your data protection rights, or presumes that there is a violation of the provisions provided in the Law; and / or (iii) exercise ARCO Rights. You must submit a free letter addressed to the Data Protection Department at the address mentioned above from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. from Monday to Friday or by email:

The free writing must contain at least the following information:

• Name of the owner, address, telephone and email (if any);

• Copy of the holder's official identification (INE, valid passport and / or military card);

• Description of the purpose of the document, which may be, but not limited to, the following: (i) revocation of consent to process your personal data; and / or (ii) notification of the improper use of the processing of your personal data; and / or (iii) exercise their ARCO Rights, with a clear and precise description of the data to Access, Rectify, Cancel or Oppose. In the event of Rectification of personal data, you must indicate the exact modification and attach the supporting documentation; and

• Any other element or document that facilitates the location of your personal data, for example, to which person and / or area and / or companies of  were provided.

Likewise, you can stop receiving promotional messages by landline or mobile phone, stop receiving advertising postal mail or stop receiving promotional emails by following the steps described above.

Integrain puts to your consideration, that when it comes to revoking your consent, not in all cases the request can be attended or the use terminated immediately, since it is possible that due to any legal obligation it is required to continue dealing with your data personal; and / or for certain purposes, by revoking the consent, it will imply that the Company will not be able to continue providing the requested service.

This privacy notice, as well as the general handling of the Law made by the Company, is governed by current and applicable legislation in the United Mexican States, so any controversy that arises due to its application must be aired before the competent Jurisdictional Bodies in Mexico City.

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